Guiding, assisting and leading others to happiness, success, wellbeing and health is a very serious and delicate matter. Guiding, assisting and leading others in things divine, spiritual, psychological and physiological must be a sacred vocation in our lives, for us to be able to succeed in this field of divine service. The foundation of happiness is training, experience, understanding and knowledge, and not just any kind of knowledge. Only accurate knowledge, factual knowledge, impartial knowledge, realistic knowledge and truthful knowledge can be a vehicle for imparting unshakable certainty, benefit, confidence, stability, health, prosperity and happiness to others. Truth is that which is dependable, real, stable, constant and reliable. Truth, experience, understanding and knowledge, ——— bound together with kindness and concern are the requisites to enable us to be good and efficient guides, educators and illuminators. Today we live in a world where many people lacking all kinds of basic qualifications are propping themselves up as spiritual guides, healers and life counselors. This is a dangerous, disheartening and unfortunate trend. There are many people lacking true understanding of the true causes of diverse problems, lacking in honesty, lacking in bonafide training, lacking in extensive life experiences and lacking in deep wisdom who are offering their fruitless, inefficient and useless ‘services’ as spiritual guides, healers, seers, counselors and interpreters of the divine will. If people would just take a little time and care to examine, study and observe the way and lives of these so-called ‘counselors’, pseudo healers and so-called ‘spiritual guides’ they would easily safeguard themselves from much sorrow, deception, danger, disenchantment, dissatisfaction and disillusion. A true spiritual guide must first know how to guide, educate and order his own life.
How can an unstable, disorderly, confused and erratic person be qualified to guide you, assist you and direct you in divine, spiritual, psycho-physical and secular matters? A genuine, intelligent, masterful, capable and experienced guide, counselor and gifted spiritualist does not tell a person what they should and should not do. A true teacher lays out the facts, the pro’s and the con’s and allows the other person to decide and make up their own mind as to the best way to proceed. A gifted seer, sympathetic guide and understanding counselor shares with others what he has found and knows that works for him, as well as other divinely bestowed insights and considerations, but he leaves it squarely to the listener to weigh the information and to decide for himself whether he will apply it or not. Many people do not really want a true guide or counselor. What they want is someone to take responsibility for their lives. They want someone to take responsibility for their success and/or failures. A true seer, spiritual practitioner, healer, counselor and sage does not offer himself to become a crutch for people, neither does he make himself appear to be the cause of the success, recovery and wellbeing of the client or patient. A true guide offers insight, knowledge and spiritual energy to enable the other person to make their own conclusion and decision. A true interpreter of divine wisdom empowers others to take sole responsibility for what they decide upon and to take full responsibility for what they choose to do. A genuine guide does not speak down to others and does not force his counsel, guidance, advice and insights on others. A genuine guide speaks with the authority and stamp of truth, clarity, veracity, integrity, genuine concern and clear reason but it is up to the listener alone to ponder and reason out the path that he will follow. A genuine and enlightened spiritual practitioner should only speak about what he knows and should offer relevant counsel, guidance and instruction only if he has actual knowledge and expertise in relation to the problem, condition or issue at hand. A true knower of divine wisdom and a true empowered spiritual practitioner does not stoop down to offer people imaginary solutions to very real problems. Neither does a true spiritual guide, practitioner and healer stoop down to misguide, mislead and convince people to accept imaginary and non-existent causes as the reasons for present actual problems, issues and concerns. A kind, sincere and able counselor, guide and spiritual worker should not promise to his client or patient what he knows is not in his power to fulfill. If you are a spiritual practitioner and counselor then offer and give relevant, practical and efficient spiritual solutions. If you are not a medical doctor or licensed medical practitioner of acknowledged alternative medicines then you should not be offering or recommending medical and/or herbal remedies to anyone because you do not know what very real spiritual, psychological and physiological effects/reactions these are going to have on a person. A wise, trained and expert spiritual practitioner and worker is a professional and knows that he should not overstep his boundaries and should not attempt to go beyond the scope of his actual ability, training and expertise. If a spiritual practitioner lacks the specific kind knowledge and expertise to resolve the situation of a client he should refer the client to someone who does. Beware of the so-called spiritual worker and so-called spiritual guide who attempts to give the impression that he has all the answers, solutions and remedies to your problems, concerns and issues. Run away from such a person for your own sake, wellbeing and benefit. An expert spiritual worker, seer, guide and spiritual practitioner should not substitute real and essential knowledge for imaginary knowledge and untrue remedies. If we abide by these principles both the spiritual worker and the client-patient will benefit and will be safeguarded from undesirable, regrettable and calamitous repercussions.
One should investigate wisely and carefully before submitting oneself to someone else’s counsel and advice. Counsel, spiritual work and advice are only worthwhile, beneficial and acceptable if the one offering it is an expert in his field of knowledge. It is a strange phenomenon that we see happening today: When a person is physically ill he makes sure that he seeks and entrusts himself to the care and direction of a duly qualified trained physician who has laboriously studied, trained and practiced for 10-12 years before being certified to be able to begin his practice. Yet when it comes to matters of ones heart, spirit and mind, as well as matters relating to ones destiny, people are willing to submit themselves to any foolish scoundrel and imposter who can put on a good show and knows how to offer vain hopes to people. This is sad but it is something happening the world over. We must be true, honest and knowledgeable spiritual practitioners and workers and if we are not then we should refrain from any practice for the sake of the benefit of clients-patients and ourselves. A spiritual practitioner and worker is responsible for the advice, treatment and counsel he gives and the effects and/or reactions it produces. If you don’t know something just stay quiet but never pretend, assume or suggest that you know, if not for any other reason, because of the fact that you don’t know anything about it. Those who avail themselves of the assistance, guidance and help of spiritual practitioners, spiritual workers and seers should investigate carefully and patiently to whom it is that he will be entrusting his situation and it’s outcome to. Spiritual practitioners and clients-patients have a moral, ethical and professional responsibility towards one another. Each one expects to receive the facts, truth and complete picture from the other. There must be a bond of trust, confidence and confidentiality. A true, knowledgeable, trained and kind spiritual practitioner will consistently produce positive, discernible and tangible benefits, results and effects in the life of the person whom he is serving, counseling and treating. A spiritual worker and practitioner must practice with a an ethical spirit of altruism, honesty and compassion. A genuine spiritual practitioner will never rob a client-patient of his resources, hopes, time and wellbeing. It is imposible for an authentic, trained and experienced practitioner to overstep the boundaries of trust and integrity. If the person whom you consult has a reputation for deception, cheating and for not materializing benefits, healings, corrections and solutions, then why would you go to see such a person. If you discover that the person with whom you are acquainting yourself with has lied to you once or has cheated you once, then you already know what kind of person is before you. So simply never see this person again. It is that simple. Well friends, think these things over, take of it what you find useful and beneficial, and be blessed.
Ela ‘boru. Ela ‘boye. Ela ‘bosise.
an educating platform which shouldn’t be tampered with. it’s really a blessing.
thanks to you sir Awo Ifaniyi.