The personal thoughts of an Ifa devotee:
My worship and religion is to call white, white and black, black. My worship and religion is to be truthful, straightforward and honest. My worship and religion is to not intentionally injure anyone with my thoughts, words or actions. My worship and religion is to be true to my conscience. My worship and religion is to be true to myself and to not pretend to be other than who I am. My worship and religion is to stay far away from flattery, pretentiousness and haughtiness. My worship and religion is to exalt and promote true esin ibile.
My worship and religion is to point others to Olodumare and not myself. My worship and religion is to make disciples and students for Ifa-Olodumare and not myself.
My worship and religion is to inspire others to follow Olodumare and not to make them my followers. I honor Ifa-Olodumare by having and expressing gratitude for the many, good and wonderful things that life brings to me unsought for (OTURA OFUN) .
I honor Ifa-Olodumare by having and expressing gratitude to all that have helped, comforted and supported me. I thank and honor Ifa-Olodumare by exercising the privilege to live a progressive life of self-responsibility, initiative, honor, discreetness and self-restraint.
My worship and religion is to extend and render practical help, relief, support and encouragement to the best of my means and ability to all who solicit my help. My worship and religion is to have pure love and good will, to all without exception. If anyone directs envy, jealousy or ill feelings towards me I will not be moved, I refuse to respond in the same manner because it is I alone who chooses and decides the attitude, principle and disposition that rules my life and not others. My good will and sincere love is like an expansive ocean that is able to absorb and dissolve the salts of envy, jealousy or ill feelings.
The currents of my spirit, thoughts and feelings will remain clean, unperturbed and pure. When the malice and animosity of others towards me increases, my compassion, good will and sympathy for them will increase all the more because I understand that they are ailing and sick at heart. My worship and religion is not based on reciprocity. Reciprocity says, ‘If you do good to me then I will do good to you. If you do evil to me then be prepared to receive the unleashing of my anger, hate and ill will’. That is not my way, because eye for an eye will make all blind.
- To conquer animosity with patience.
- To conquer disillusionment with renewed hope.
- To conquer untruth with gentle but firm truth, this is my religion and worship (IKAGBEMI) , this is how I honor Olodumare, this is how I pay homage to my guardian and companion Orisa.
- To give honor and credit where honor and credit are due this my my worship and religion.
- To remain free from extremes of all kinds and to be free of fanaticism is my worship and religion.
- To be true to my root and origins but yet be open to new insights and unfoldment of truth this is my worship and religion (EJIOGBE) .
- To never stand by idle but to press forward making continual progress and advancement this is my worship and religion.
- To acknowledge and accept counsel offered in good faith by qualified elders and to have a teachable, meek and courageous attitude is my worship and religion My worship and my religion is to impartially and dispassionately unmask hypocrisy, abuse and deceit wherever it is found and by whoever these vices are practiced.
- To promote the genuine good, peace and happiness of all, that is my religion, the only religion of Eledumare and of his noble representatives the divine Irunmole and Orisa. My worship and religion is to patiently cultivate and impeccably exhibit iwa in all I do, with love and gentleness, and to offer the prescribed sacrifice in good faith and at the proper time with love and reverence this is my worship and religion.
- To exercise my intelligence, divine vision and spiritual powers (faculties) for the purpose of promoting the genuine good, and to obstruct, dissolve and hinder what is not good, that is my worship and religion.
- To correct myself and develop my inner life and relationships this is my worship and religion.
- To be a loyal, encouraging, truthful, responsible and appreciative friend, son, spouse and father this is my worship and religion.
My worship and religion is to extend respect and dignity to all, but to especially honor and respect reputable elders, genuine awo and all sincere and caring leaders who are living a useful and altruistic life of disinterested service to humanity. I have chosen truth and rectitude over convenience and transient pleasure. This is my path, the path that I have chosen, and the path that I will always walk on, today and always. This is the path of Olodumare. There is no other. Ase’ntedumare
Elaboru! Elaboye!! Elabosise!!!
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